Title: Stage of writing process with example.
In my opinion about the writing process is a combination
with 3 parts; Topic, supporting details, conclusion. This is the basic for
stage of writing process. Topic is the head of writing a story, it’s also known
as a beginning of story or something that we want to write about. When we write
a topic sentence, we must make the reader know what was we want to write about
and also make them interested to read its. After that we must put the supporting
details is also know as our topic content. Here we must write the related story
about what we are writing about. Sometimes we will make wrong here, because we
will write about another thing that not really related to our topic. For the
limits of supporting details is 3 or 4. After we done the supporting details,
we must put the conclusion as our end of story. Conclusion is all about the
topic and supporting detail that we want to say again about what we write to
the reader.
I live go to beach.
Topic Sentence:
I like to go to beach with my family at
Lankayan Island that located at Sandakan. We always go there for a school
breaks. We go there by a bot.
Supporting Details:
1. I like to play sandcastle and I play with my sister. We having
fun built a big sandcastle.
2. I like to see a fish and is so colourfull and my dad will
take us go to swimming at the beach.
3. I like to see the beach when the night Is come. The sky
become red and the sun just go down. I also like to see the star at the beach. It’s
so beautiful.
I like to go to beach at Lankayan Island and this is the
great beach that I will never forget. Someday, I will make my own home in
Lankayan island.